Herningsholm Erhvervsskole (Herningsholm Vocational School)

Herningsholm Erhvervsskole & Gymnasium has around 430 employees and is an educational institution for approximately 10,000 students and course participants every year.
The school combines high-quality teaching with openess and a respectful, trusting relationship with the students. They have the necessary skills and resources to ensure that their educational offer is among the best in the country.
Herningsholm Erhvervsskole & Gymnasium aims to take the lead in talent development. Students in both vocational education and business upper secondary school programmes participate in several national and international talent competitions.
All programs are taught in Danish.
- Building carpenter
- Building architect
- Bicycle mechanic
- Data technician
- Retail
- Electrician
- Event coordinator
- Hairdresser
- Trade
- Industrial technician
- IT supporter
- Moped mechanic
- Agricultural training
- Mechanical carpenter
- Media graphic designer
- Mercantile GF 2, Online
- Mercantile GF 2 for students
- Motorcycle mechanic
- Bricklayer
- Furniture joiner
- Blacksmith
- Dental clinic assistant
- Carpenter
- HVAC energy training
As an EUX student, you take two education programmes simultaneously, so you graduate with both a journeyman's certificate and a high school diploma.
- Retail
- Electrician
- Event Coordinator
- Trade
- Industrial Technician
- Office
- Farmer
- Machine Carpenter
- Blacksmith
- Carpenter
- Joiner