Vil du have et bedre natteliv i Herning? Så har vi brug for din hjælp! (English below)
Deltag i en anderledes informationsworkshop om Nightlife Boost-projektet. Herning Kommune, Fermaten og C-Cube slår sig sammen for at skabe en legeplads for idéer og samarbejder, hvor unge i Herning kan overtage nattelivet og gøre det til deres eget. Vi har brug for dine tanker, erfaringer og fantasi for, at dette projekt kan lykkes.
Vi glæder os til at se dig onsdag den 7. februar kl. 17:00 på Fermaten
Do you wanna have a more cool nightlife scene in Herning? We need your help!
Join us for an outside-of-the-box info workshop about the Nightlife Boost project. Herning Kommune, Fermaten and C-Cube are joining forces to create a playground of ideas and collaborations, where young people in Herning can take over the nightlife scene, and make it their own.
We need your thoughts, experience and imagination for this project to fly.
We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 7th of February at Fermaten at 5PM.