Fællesspisning med mulighed for at deltage i Huset No7s smykkeværksted kl 19.
Du får et lækkert vegatarisk måltid for kun 25 kr. (ca halv pris), og vi booker borde, så du kommer til at sidde med andre studerende.
Fra kl. 19 kan du deltage i Huset No7s smykkeværksted, som foregår i de kreative værksteder på 1. sal. Det er gratis at være med, men man betaler selv for materialer. Vil du hellere spille brætspil eller bare drikke en kop kaffe eller en sodavand er det også en mulighed. Drikkevarer er for egen regning.
Der er begrænset antal pladser. Book din billet her.
Eventet arrangeres i samarbejde med Huset No7.
Common dining with the opportunity to participate in Huset No7’s jewelry workshop at 7 p.m.
You get a delicious vegetarian meal for only DKK 25 (half price), and we book tables, so you get to sit with other students.
From 19 you can take part in Huset No7’s jewelery workshop, which takes place in the creative workshops on the 1st floor. It is free to join, but you pay for materials yourself. If you would rather play board games or just drink a cup of coffee or a soft drink, that is also an option. Drinks are at your own expense.
There is a limited number of places. Book your ticket here.
The event is organized in collaboration with Huset No7.